Onshore Pipelines Engineering
Course overview
Onshore pipelines play a crucial role securing today’s energy supply. Consequently, major pipeline projects and proposals for new onshore infrastructure are in progress to increase the transportation volumes across continents and beyond. Pipeline transportation systems require careful planning and design – from the evaluation of potential routes, the consideration of land access, ownership and the impact on the environment, to the engineering, construction and procurement as well as the operation, maintenance and decommissioning of pipelines. To ensure that your projects meet all regulatory requirements and to save costs, prevent delays and avoid losses.
This course is a must-attend course that illustrates to delegates the relevant components for onshore pipelines engineering from the outset such as permits and authorisations, pipelines routings, mechanical design, flow assurance requirements, pipeline construction and installation as well as pipeline integrity management requirements in order to deliver high-quality onshore pipeline projects on time and on-budget.
This course has been specifically developed to fulfil industry’s ongoing need for skilled and competent pipeline engineering individuals.
Pipeline related case studies and workshops will also be conducted to allow delegates an opportunity to test their pipelines knowledge and practical working examples of pipelines design will be presented.
The course is designed for
- Onshore Pipeline Engineers
- Pipeline Construction Engineers
- Project Managers and Planners
- Inspection, Maintenance Engineers
- Project and Development Coordinators
- Pipeline Contractors
- Pipeline Operators
Course outline
For more information on this course please contact us.
Pipeline installation and construction support activities
Pipeline trenching and burial – equipment and technical requirements
Pipeline pre-commissioning and commissioning
- Gauging and flooding
- Hydrotesting
- Dewatering, air and vacuum drying
Pipeline tie-ins
Pipeline engineering deliverables – project documentation requirements
Drawings – approaches, layouts, alignment sheets, pipeline crossings, pipeline section details
Documentation – philosophies, specifications, manuals, reports
Pipeline Integrity Management – ‘A Duty to Care’
Introduction to risk-based pipeline integrity management
Risk management – risk assessment – risk values
Onshore Pipeline failures – causes and effects
PIMS – The Pipeline Integrity Management System – key components
Inspection Maintenance Repair (IMR) planning
Pipeline and Chemicals Management
- Pipeline Intelligent and Maintenance Pigging
- Pipeline chemicals – biocides, inhibitors, scavengers
Corrosion monitoring – tools and techniques
Anomaly assessments using codes and standards and execution of remedial works / programmes
Pipelines - looking ahead
Ageing assets
Obsolescence management
Life extension studies
Pipeline decommissioning and abandonment
Health, Safety and Environmental Considerations
Health And Safety Management Systems and Plans
Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA)
Pipelines Historical –A brief industry insight
Pipeline codes, standards, regulations and legislation
Linepipe manufacturing – rigid and thermoplastic reinforced pipe, composites
Pipeline mechanical properties
- Strength
- Ductility
- Toughness
- Weldability
Pipeline physical testing
- Impact
- Tensile
Pipeline pre-requisites – permits and authorisations, pipeline routings, survey techniques, soils (topography and geotechnical surveys), planning pipeline corridors
Pipeline design basics and pipeline mechanical design components
Pipeline locations, location classes, design factors, pipe sizing, wall thickness
Pipeline materials – for strength, for corrosion resistance
Use of corrosion resistant alloys (CRAs) – clad and lined pipes
Use of carbon steel
Pipeline Internal and External Corrosion
Pipeline internal corrosion – causes, mechanisms and effects
Flow considerations – erosion corrosion
Pipeline external corrosion
Pipeline protection – mechanical and corrosion protection systems
External corrosion protection - pipeline and field joint coatings design and selection
Onshore Cathodic Protection design
Onshore pipeline construction
Procurement and logistics
Pipeline welding
Field joint coatings
Construction surveys
Route preparation
Pipeline crossings
Pipeline construction and installation methods
"The training covered a series of topics with interactive sessions which were most effective."
- NCOC, Kazakhstan
Previous page: Ageing Assets and Decommissioning
Next page: Subsea Pipelines Engineering