training specialists to the upstream oil and gas industry

Casing Design

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Course overview

This fundamentals of casing design course is delivered as a scenario-based training course using real well data. The course takes the candidates through all the aspects of casing design from first principles. A working spreadsheet is created by each student for casing design that can be used by the students in their day-to-day jobs.

The course is designed for

This course is intended for drilling and completion engineers that are required to understand or conduct casing design.

Course objectives and outcomes

The objectives of this course are to provide students with a starting competency in casing design. The course addresses the engineering and operational aspects of casing design. A full casing design project from an actual well is used during the course. Students are taken through the API casing design calculations. Load cases, couplings, thermal loading, material selection and well control aspects of casing design. A large part of the course involves hands on exercises and students should have a calculator and a laptop computer with a spreadsheet program during the course. The course finishes with the operational aspects of running and cementing casing and introduces drilling with casing operations.

The outcomes of the course are that participants will understand;

  • Casing strengths such as yield, burst and collapse
  • All the load cases and associated design factors
  • Triaxial and combined loads
  • Material selection with regards to sour gasses and partial pressures
  • Thermal loading, annular pressure build-up and corrosion effects
  • Buckling and wear
  • Conductor casing design for land, surface BOP’s and subsea BOP’s
  • Drilling with casing 

Course outline

Day 4: Annular Pressures, Buckling and Conductor Design

The fourth day of the course starts with the design of the production casing. From there the course addresses annular pressure build-up, casing wear and corrosion of casing. Pipe buckling is covered before addressing conductor design. Conductor design is covered for land, offshore and deepwater operations.

  • Production Casing Design
  • Annular Pressure build-up
  • Casing Wear
  • Casing Corrosion
  • Buckling
  • Conductor Design Land
  • Conductor Design offshore surface BOP
  • Conductor Design offshore subsea BOP
  • Day 4 Exercises; Production Casing Design, Casing wear, Bucking, Conductor Design.


 Day 5: Running Casing, Drilling with Casing

The last day of the course starts with the design of the production liner and the aspects of tubing leaks. With the casing design completed we address the issues of blowouts and the considerations on casing design. The operational aspects of running and cementing casing are presented. Drilling with casing is introduced before we wrap up the course.

  • Production Liner Design
  • Blowout Considerations
  • Running and Cementing Casing
  • Expandable Casing
  • Drilling with Casing
  • Day 5 Exercises; Production liner Design, Blowout Considerations and Drilling with casing.

Day 1: Introduction
The first day introduces the students to manufacturing process of casing and the API specifications of casing. The properties of steel are presented. This if followed by the introduction of casing design standards before moving on the calculations of tensile strength, burst, yield and collapse and axial loads of pipes.

  • Welcome and Introductions
  • Manufacturing of casing
  • API specifications of Casing
  • Properties of steel tubulars
  • Casing Design Standards
  • Tensile Strength, Burst, Yield, Collapse, Axial Loads
  • Day 1 Exercises; Load calculations for tensile strength, burst collapse and yield

Day 2: Pressures and Temperatures
The second day of the course starts with pressures and temperatures. Students are shown the origins of pore and fracture pressures and hydrostatic pressures. Buoyancy calculations are done before moving to the design of the surface casing in the example well. With the surface casing designed, the couplings and connectors are presented.

  • Hydrostatic Pressures
  • Pore and Fracture Pressures
  • Temperatures
  • Buoyancy
  • Well Trajectories
  • Casing Design Requirements
  • Load Cases and Design factors
  • Design of surface casing
  • Couplings and Connectors
  • Day 2 Exercises: Hydrostatic pressures, pore and fracture pressures, buoyancy, design of surface casing.


Day 3: Kick Tolerance and Material Selection
Day 3 of the course starts with the design of a drilling liner. This is followed by gas pressures, leak off tests and kick tolerance. The design of the intermediate casing is then completed. Partial pressures, salt loading and material selection then completes the day.

  • Gas Pressures
  • Kick Tolerance and Leak off tests
  • Design of Drilling Liner
  • Design of Intermediate casing
  • Partial pressures and salt loading
  • Material Selection
  • Combined Loads and Triaxial Design
  • Day 3 Exercises; Drilling Liner Design, Kick Tolerance, Partial Pressures, Intermediate Casing Design, Material Selection, Combined Loads, Triaxial design.


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"Excellent instructor – very wide-ranging experience."
- NCOC, Kazakhstan

Website: Studio Beam Ltd