Practical Techniques of Geological Modelling: A Geostatistical Approach
Course overview
The course starts with the presentation and discussion of the main steps of 3D static modelling workflow. 3D geometrical modelling is developed with emphasis on grid types and, eventually, log data integration is approached. Practical applications and the core functionality of basic geostatistical techniques (kriging, variogram, simulations) is introduced. The course is focused on the use of the most suitable geostatistical approaches in various depositional environments (Fluvial, Delta and Deep marine) regarding both facies and petrophysical modeling. The course closes with some insights of hydrocarbon volume calculation, risk analysis and grid optimization for dynamic simulation purposes.
The course is designed for
- Geologists/Geophysicists
- Reservoir Engineers
Learning objectives
- To help geologists, geophysicists and reservoir engineers to gain a thorough understanding of the concepts and practical applications of structural geology for petroleum exploration
- To prepare participants to recognize rocks structures from outcrops and from subsurface data-sets and interpret them into a geologically coherent picture
- To train participants to be able to integrate different data-set at different scales
- To prepare participants to analyze structural data-sets in order to extract information about tectonic history and kinematics
- To train participants to extract data and information from geological maps
Course outline
For more information on this course please contact us.
Geostatistical modelling: Petrophysical distribution
Introduction to petrophysical modelling
Various approaches for Porosity, Permeability and Water saturation distribution
Volume Calculation and uncertainty evaluation
Volume calculation and Risk analysis
Upgridding, Upscaling and QC
Static modelling workflow
Introduction to static modelling
Data gathering and QC
Geological Layering and compartment identification
Petrophysical characterization
3D geometrical modelling
Facies and petrophysical properties distribution
Volume calculation and risk analysis
3D geometrical modelling
Structural modelling and grid types
Geological zonation
Layering and well log scale-up
Geostatistical tools
Simulations (TGS, SGS, SIS, MPS, Object modelling)
Geostatistical modelling: Reservoir architecture
Introduction to depositional modelling
Construction of Trends
Geostatistical modelling in Fluvial environment
Geostatistical modelling in Deltaic environment
Geostatistical modelling in Deep Marine environment
"I’ll study Geological Modelling with the good materials that you gave us in this lecture."
- JOGMEC, Japan
"I appreciate the geological modelling lessons and look forward to using them in practice soon."
- JOGMEC, Japan
Previous page: Carbonate Reservoirs
Next page: Applied Stratigraphic Concepts