training specialists to the upstream oil and gas industry

Gas Processing and Conditioning

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Course overview

This introductory course is designed to provide participants with a complete and up-to-date overview of gas conditioning operations and processing technology. It covers product specifications and the processes available to condition the gas in order to meet these requirements. Participants will understand the nature and purpose of key gas processing operations, and how the individual operations are integrated into plants to process diverse feed streams received from oil and gas fields around the world.

The course is designed for

  • Those directly involved in supervising gas processing operations
  • Managers involved in the planning and development of new gas processing facilities or modifying existing facilities
  • Production Supervisors, Senior Operators and those involved with gas production and injection
  • Individuals involved in negotiation contracts for the sale of Natural Gas, LPG and NGL Products
  • Newly employed engineers and technicians in the oil and gas processing industry
  • Both technical and non-technical personnel
  • Those employed in the activities that support gas processing

Learning objectives

Upon the successful completion of the course, participants will be able to:-

  • Learn the basics of gas reservoir volume and field life calculation
  • Understand how GC&P works and its problem solving
  • Become familiar with pipelines and compressors
  • Develop a good background on natural gas processing and ability to explain the contract specification terms
  • Identify the various gas process separators, their sizing and become familiar with slug catchers and other separator types
  • Recognize the role & importance of water content & hydrocarbon dew point as applied in gas conditioning & processing technology
  • Understand the prediction, formation and inhibition of hydrates and be able to review the process of liquid, desiccant, and membrane type dehydration
  • Analyze the process of hydrocarbon recovery (NGL) and gain knowledge on mechanical refrigeration
  • Emphasize the thermodynamics of gas and be able to employ the removal of acid gases such as H2S, CO2, CS2, COS & RSH
  • Review & improve the processing of sour gas and discuss the Claus catalyst sulphur recovery process

Course outline

Mechanical Refrigeration (HCDP) and Case Study

Condensate Stabilisation (HCDP)

Contract Terms

Gas Contracts
Liquid Contracts

Gas Process Applications


Gas Sweetening - Removal of Acid Gases (H2S, CO2, CS2, COS & RSH)

Sulphur Recovery

Modified Claus Plant & Tail Gas Clean-up

Process Controls

Pressure, Level, Flow and Temperature Measurement

KO Drums and Flares

Heat Exchangers

Introduction to Natural Gas Processing

Gas Properties
Real Gas Behaviour
Phase Behaviour
Dew Point
Gas Processing Plant



Types of Separators (Vertical, Horizontal, Scrubbers, Slug Catchers)

Water Content & Dew Point

Sweet/Sour Gas
Calculation Charts

Operating Variables

Phase Envelopes
Retrograde Behavior
Presence of Liquids


Formation, Prediction and Inhibition

Hydrocarbon Dewpoint Conditioning and NGL Recovery

Liquid absorption
Solid Desiccant Adsorption
Joule-Thompson (JT) Plants
Turbo Expanders

Location Start Date End Date Cost Trainer Book
Upon request     £2,950 Danny Van Schie Make enquiry

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Website: Studio Beam Ltd