training specialists to the upstream oil and gas industry

Offshore and Subsea Integrity Management

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Course overview

The course provides a comprehensive overview of the Risk-Based approach to Integrity Management (IM) in relation to oil and gas production, processing and transport assets for the onshore, offshore and subsea environment. It examines the fundamental notion of what ‘Integrity’ is and how it is applied over the project life cycle, the risk management methods and processes employed, typical asset failures; their causes and effects, the associated industry methodologies for mitigating such failures through an effective risk based Inspection Maintenance and Repair (IMR) regime. Further, the course looks at both ‘Ageing Assets’ as well as ‘Obsolescence Management’ which are critical elements with respect to the control and management of asset integrity management.

Importantly, IM, has now become inextricably linked with the use of risk and reliability tools and techniques in order to ensure that the risks associated with potential asset failures can be mitigated even further; this has become especially important where such assets are used in ever deeper offshore waters where the cost of intervention and repairs are substantive.

Case studies of asset management are presented together with a number of workshops where delegates will be presented with various scenarios relating to asset control and management from which they will present their findings to the class.

The course is designed for

  • Graduate Engineers
  • Design, Integrity, Pipeline and Process Engineers
  • HSE Engineers and Technical Safety Personnel
  • On-Site Production Operations Personnel
  • Inspection and Maintenance Engineers and Technicians
  • Lead and Engineering Managers

Course outline

Probability and consequences of asset failure

Severity of failure and its impact on Health Safety And Environment
Business Reputation

The BOSTON matrix

Prioritisation of asset inspection

‘Preventative medicine’

The importance of IMR
Controlling and managing the continued ‘fit-for-purpose’ regime

Fundamentals of IMR

Risk Based Inspection Maintenance and Repair Programmes

IMR –roles and responsibilities

Management ‘Duty To Care’

Inspection methodologies

Onshore, offshore and subsea

Assessing the damage (anomaly assessments) in accordance with industry codes and standards, ‘what to do’, ‘what do the results mean? – recommendations for going forward
Industry repair methodologies
The notion of Ageing Assets

What does this mean?
Extending the life of operational assets
Dealing with Obsolescence Management 

Preserving the environment with respect to asset decommissioning and abandonment

Typical regulatory procedures and requirements
Operator actions and programmes

Global oil and gas trends, market outlook and the use of operational oil and gas production, processing and transport assets

Definition of Asset Integrity Management

The concept of Integrity Management
The Integrity Management Life Cycle
The bases for delivery of IM, industry, codes, standards, recommended practices and guidelines

Managing the risk of functional failure

Risk management methods and processes, hazards and threats identification, risk assessments
QRAs (qualitative and quantitative analyses), concept of ALARP, bath-tub reliability curves 

Use of risk and reliability analyses and engineering as part of Integrity Management

Key Components of Integrity Management

Performance Standards, KPIs, Safety Critical Elements (SCEs)
Data and Data Management
Roles and Responsibilities of People and The Organisation
Emergency Response Plans
Management Of Change
Maintenance Reference Plans
Integrity Verification and Status

Operational assets

Associated damage and failure mechanisms
The impact of asset damage
Examples of failures




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