Materials and Corrosion Engineering - Management for Onshore, Offshore and Subsea Environment
Course overview
This course provides a sound understanding of the use, design and selection of materials. It also addresses essential corrosion related subjects including but not necessarily limited to:
- Corrosion principles
- Corrosion types
- Typical onshore and offshore oil and gas operational assets
- Managing materials and corrosion as a complete system
- Corrosion rate evaluation
- The use of corrosion control
- Prevention and mitigation methods
- Including Cathodic Protection systems
- Structural coatings
- The impact of asset design
- Fabrication installation and operations on the management of corrosion and asset integrity.
The course is intended to deliver a basic to intermediate level of understanding of materials engineering, corrosion principles, and its engineering, management and practical applications in specific relation to maintaining asset integrity within the oil and gas industry.
The course is designed for
Oil and gas professionals who require a thorough overview of current and emerging best practices of design principles and engineering guidelines related to flexible pipe for the offshore and subsea environment.
- Materials Engineers
- Corrosion Engineers
- Pipelines Engineers
- Integrity engineers
- Facilities engineers
- Project managers
Course outline
Detailed Corrosion Integrity Management - “Corrosion management is that part of the overall management system, which is concerned with the development, implementation, review and maintenance of the corrosion policy.”
Why manage corrosion
Structured framework for corrosion integrity management, methodology and development
Sample checklist for assessment of Corrosion management system for processing facilities
Management of Oilfield Corrosion - Fundamentals of Corrosion Control, Prevention and Mitigation – the management of oilfield corrosion:
Corrosion mechanisms
Materials selection – C-Mn steels, CRAs, polymers
Chemical treatment (inhibitors, biocides)
Use of Cathodic Protection (CP) – theory and practical applications – ICCP and sacrificial anode systems
Linepipe and structural coatings (metallic, non-metallic and organic / paints)
Process & environmental control
Design (concept, engineering & detailing reviews, life cycle implications, risks)
Inspection and Monitoring
Corrosion Inspection and Monitoring systems
The role of inspection and monitoring for corrosion management
Corrosion monitoring and asset integrity
Monitoring tools and techniques for oil and gas assets and systems
Corrosion monitoring systems design
Practical corrosion monitoring
Corrosion – Industry Related Matters
Corrosion related codes and standards
Putting corrosion into perspective – the cost of corrosion to the oil and gas industry
Dealing with ageing assets – corrosion and structural assessments
Introduction to and understanding operational oil and gas assets in the onshore offshore and subsea environment
Global energy and the increasing demands for oil and gas infrastructure
Operational assets - their functions and architecture – wellheads, production and processing and transport systems - pipelines, ESDVs, pig launchers/receivers, separators
An Introduction to Materials Selection
Materials for the oil and gas industry:
- C-steels
- Corrosion Resistant Alloys
- Non-metallics and composites
Selection process – criteria for selection:
- Deciding on the ‘optimum’ material
- Consideration of internal and external environments
- Flow conditions
- Materials and process data
- Strength, corrosion resistance, ductility, weldability, toughness
- Carbon Equivalent (CE)
Materials manufacture and testing
Putting it all together – production, processing and transport assets
Materials and Corrosion Codes & Standards
Corrosion Engineering – Basics
Corrosion in the oil and gas industry, and oil and gas operational assets
Corrosion and the overall influence on oil and gas operations – corrosion and safety risks
Dealing with corrosion in terms of asset design, fabrication, installation and operations
Corrosion Mechanisms and Corrosion Forms
Understanding typical corrosion forms and corrosion mechanisms - pitting, crevice, stress corrosion cracking (SCC), microbial corrosion (MIC), H2S, CO2 corrosion, hydrogen induced cracking (HIC), corrosion fatigue, erosion corrosion, CUI.
Types of corrosion typically found in operational assets
Corrosion models, corrosion rate evaluation, corrosion software
Looking at Internal and External Corrosion
Processing equipment
Impact of corrosion on oil and gas assets, corrosion failures and the consequences of asset failure, failure statistics
Looking at oil and gas asset failure statistics
Corrosion and the consequences of asset failure – hydrocarbon releases – statistics
An Introduction to Corrosion Integrity Management – interaction with HSE Management
What is integrity anyway?
Corrosion hazards and corrosion risk assessment
The RoadMAP to Corrosion Integrity Management - corrosion as a threat to Asset Integrity - the importance of maintaining asset integrity for oil and gas assets – risk based inspections
Integration of Corrosion and Safety Management – key elements – policies, organisation, roles and responsibilities, planning, performance measurements, audit review, corrosion management information flows
Health and Safety Management – key elements
Providing integrity management solutions – controlling and managing the risk of corrosion threats and failure
Criticality analyses/FMECA
Location | Start Date | End Date | Cost | Trainer | Book |
Upon request | £2,950 | Professor David Newman | Make enquiry |