training specialists to the upstream oil and gas industry

Oil & Gas Geomatics

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Course overview

This course is an introduction to Geospatial Data Management, usage and analysis in an Oil & Gas E&P Context. Starting with the basics of Geospatial Data Management and a brief review of the principles of Geodesy, Coordinate Systems and Geodetic Datums, participants are introduced to simple then progressively more complex Data Analysis Case studies. The course includes exercises on Linking and Integrating data from external sources as well as File and Document Management.

The aim is to give to the participants a global outlook to what they can accomplish using geospatial data, focusing on developing problem solving methodologies rather than the technology.

The course is highly customisable, and can be adapted to suit client requirements, including specific software packages, or use of sector- or client-specific data in the practical exercises.

The course is designed to

  • Give an overview of the key principles of Geospatial Data Management and use in an Oil&Gas context
  • Give an overview of the main principles of Geodesy, coordinate systems and datums
  • Provide a series of exercises of gradually increasing difficulty with real case studies.

Course outline

  • Geospatial and Attribute Oil & Gas data analysis and application of previously acquired knowledge in defining problem-solving methods and workflows, result presentation and reporting methods.
  • Data Integration and and use of external data sources, including document and file management, and use of Web Services (where available)
  • Advanced analysis methods and functionality, including an introduction to Common Risk Segment(fairway) maps
  • Final Exercise: contribution to the preparation of a dataroom
  • Introduction to the basics of Geospatial Data Management and basic Geodesy.
  • Introduction and refresher session to the basic methods and functionality of the GIS software that is going to be used for the training exercises.
  • Based on lessons learned in section II, preparation by the participants themselves of the data sets they will be using in subsequent exercises for displaying and analysis.
  • Data Quality. Participants will learn how to work with 'dirty' data, how to correct and clean attribute values, and how to apply normalization and weighting quality codes. Data used will come from the geodatabases prepared in the previous session.


Location Start Date End Date Cost Trainer Book
Upon request     £2,950 Dr Joseph Simantov Make enquiry

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Website: Studio Beam Ltd