training specialists to the upstream oil and gas industry

Applied Stratigraphic Concepts

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Course overview

The course will cover the major aspects and essential elements underpinning the modern applications and perspectives of stratigraphy. It focuses on multidisciplinary approaches and how these can be utilized in the reconstruction of the geological history of sedimentary basins and in the hydrocarbon exploration. It includes a synopsis of study principles and methodology and discusses recent developments and significant applications. Some selected case histories will be discussed that demonstrate the applications and efficacy of stratigraphic and related techniques.

The course will also cover the application of sequence stratigraphy to carbonate and clastic settings, based on the description of outcrops and core logs that can be used to predict source rock, reservoir and seal distributions within a basin. Finally the course will consider the diagenetic processes that affect carbonate and clastic sediments and how the integration of diagenesis and sequence stratigraphy can provide a better way of predicting reservoir quality.

Throughout the course, all concepts are illustrated with field examples and core data.

The course is designed for

  • Individuals in sedimentary geology and petroleum geology who are currently involved in the exploration of petroleum systems
  • Geologists, geophysicists and reservoir engineers who want to learn the methodology for applying sequence stratigraphy to correlation, facies analysis and delineation of stratigraphic traps

Learning objectives

  • To help geologists, geophysicists and reservoir engineers to gain a thorough understanding of the concepts and practical applications of sequence stratigraphy for petroleum exploration;
  • To prepare participants to recognize facies assemblages from outcrops and core data and to reconstruct facies architecture;
  • To create an awareness amongst participants about the limitations of litho-correlation and the benefits of chrono-correlation and integrated stratigraphic methods;
  • To develop a thorough understanding of relative sea-level changes and their effect on the distribution of source, reservoirs and seal rocks.

Course outline

Basic Concepts and Terminology of Sequence Stratigraphy

Systems tracts, hierarchy of sequences, sequence boundaries, interaction of tectonics, sea level changes, sediment supply, accommodation space.

Methods and applications of sequence stratigraphic analysis

Recognition criteria for the identification of depositional sequences
Application of sequence stratigraphy in siliciclastic and carbonate depositional settings
Linking diagenesis to sequence stratigraphy


Applications of modern stratigraphy in hydrocarbon exploration and development

Basic Concepts of Stratigraphy

Principles of Stratigraphy, Walther’s Law and facies belts

Facies Concept

Facies stratigraphy and facies association applied to the hydrocarbon distribution

Stratal Geometry and Stratal Terminations

Different types of unconformity
Correlative conformity

Integrated stratigraphic Methods

Stratigraphic Classification, Terminology and Procedure
Geomagnetic Polarity Time scale
Radiogenic Isotope Geochronology
Other methods
Defining chronostratigraphic correlations


Location Start Date End Date Cost Trainer Book
Upon request     £2,950 Professor Simonetta Cirilli  Make enquiry

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Website: Studio Beam Ltd