Advanced Petrophysics and Formation Evaluation
Course overview
The main emphasis during the course is on practical application rather than extensive discussion around the theoretical background.
The importance of the interaction between seismology, geology, petrophysics and reservoir engineering will be emphasised and illustrated.
All of the topics covered will be accompanied by a relevant exercise, which will be carried out using pre-programmed Excel spreadsheets that mimic the functionality of commercial log interpretation software. All participants will need to provide their own laptop with Excel (v2010 or later).
The course is designed for:
The course is primarily intended for junior petrophysical staff to augment the skills that they should have already acquired during basic training. The course is also suitable for participants from other disciplines, who wish to have more insight into more advanced petrophysical analysis methods. Such participants should be familiar with basic petrophysical principles and will typically have 2 to 5 years or more working experience in a geoscience or reservoir engineering function.
- Exploration Geologists
- Production Geologists
- Well-site Geologists
- Operations Geologists
- Well Data Managers
- Geophysicists
- Petrophysicists
- Geotechnicians
- Others who use log data on a daily basis
Learning objectives
- To undergo a basic review of the logging tools as well as the measurements made by the logging tools, and the transformation of the measured data into useful reservoir parameters such as Porosity, Permeability, and Water saturation for hydrocarbon reserves estimations
- To understand the link and/or relation between Petrophysics and seismic interpretation, seismic reservoir characterisation and static reservoir modelling
Course outline
Petrophysical support for geothermal projects, tight gas reservoirs and shale oil/gas projects
Coring and core analysis techniques
Coring and core investigations
Core-to-log data integration
RCAL and SCAL methods
Wireline formation testing
Pressure test methods and analysis
Fluid sample analysis
Shaly sand interpretation methods
Clastic reservoir geology and clay types
Effective porosity systems using Simandoux and Indonesian equations
Review of logging tools and evaluation methods
Fundamentals of Formation Evaluation
The borehole and its environment
Gamma ray and Spontaneous Potential logs
Nuclear and sonic porosity tools
Resistivity measurement tools
Imaging methods
LWD and MWD techniques
Basic interpretation methods
Picket Plots
Volume of shale (Vsh) & volume of clay (Vcl) from gamma ray and density/neutron logs
Effective and total porosity
Visual quick-look interpretation of different formations and pore fill
Shaly sand analysis for total porosity systems using Waxman Smits, Dual Water and Juhasz equations
Hydrocarbon differentiation methods
Thin-bed laminated systems evaluation
Cut-off criteria
Capillary pressure and saturation height functions
Capillary pressure principles
Measurement methods
Conversion from laboratory to reservoir
Saturation height functions and reservoir simulation
Permeability prediction methods
Permeability prediction (including NMR logging) Statistical considerations
Uncertainty analysis
Carbonate systems and probabilistic methods
Carbonate reservoir geology and rock types
Probabilistic interpretation methods
Wellbore seismic applications
Time to depth conversion
Single well synthetics
Seismic reservoir characterization for reservoir modelling
"I would recommend this course to my colleagues without hesitation."
- NCOC, Kazakhstan
Previous page: Introduction to Petrophysics
Next page: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Petrophysics - NMRP