training specialists to the upstream oil and gas industry

Upstream Oil and Gas Facilities Fundamentals: Onshore, Offshore, FPSOs and Subsea

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Course overview

This course provides a comprehensive overview of the upstream oil and gas facilities associated with onshore, offshore,shallow to ultradeep water depths, FPSO and subsea developments and how they are integrated into full field developments from the wellbore to product export and delivery. A review of the key oil and gas processing requirements based on end user specifications will be covered as well as the effects that fluid contaminants such as wax, ashpaltenes, H2S and CO2 can have on the processing and development configurations and project costs.

The key stages, from project idea through to exploration, development, production and abandonment, will be covered in detail. This will include field development planning and associated lifecycle cost estimates and schedules required to produce the investment profile, which is the key input for project economic evaluation.

The course will be accessible to all people as there will be an emphasis to demystify the terminology and nomenclature used within the industry.

The course is designed for

  • Professionals who want to expand their knowledge of the industry
  • Explorationists
  • Engineers, engineering trainees, technicians
  • Project and technical managers and assistants
  • Geologists, geophysicists, petrophysicists
  • Commercial personnel
  • Service company personnel
  • Sales representatives
  • Other technical disciplines
  • Students considering the industry as a career

Course outline

Offshore Facilities

Types of facilities, fixed, floating & subsea
Shallow, deep and ultradeep
Wells, dry trees & wet trees
Artificial lift
SURF (Subsea, Flowlines, Umbilicals & Risers)
Production facilities
Export facilities
Onshore reception facilities 


Types of FPSOs
Regional differences
Turrets & swivels
Risers & moorings
Production facilities
Offshore loading


Subsea architecture
SURF (Subsea, Flowlines, Umbilicals & Risers)
Control systems
Flow assurance
Subsea Processing 

Field Development Planning

Field development plann
Lifecycle costing
Industry Software
Economic analysis
Development drilling
Facilities and production

Case studies



Course overview
The upstream industry
Project lifecycle & stages
Markets & product specifications 

Petroleum Geology & Chemistry

Hydrocarbon formation
Source rocks
Traps, seals and migration
Petroleum properties

Exploration & Appraisal

Gravity and magnetic surveying
2D, 3D and 4D seismic
Field valuation
Oil and Gas in Place (OIIP/GIIP)
Field Appraisal
Project ranking


Reservoir characterisation
Porosity & permeability
Drive mechanisms
Primary, secondary and tertiary recovery
Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR)
Well types and number
Water and gas injection requirements
Well inflow
Production Profile 

Drilling & Well Completions

Drilling basics
Well casing
Well completion
Sampling and testing 

Onshore facilities

Conventional v Unconventional
Artificial lift
Production facilities
Export facilities

Location Start Date End Date Cost Trainer Book
Upon request     £2,950 Ron Roberts Make enquiry

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"Essential course by means of best practice through project lifecycle."
- Leslie Tan, EPOMS, Malaysia

Website: Studio Beam Ltd