training specialists to the upstream oil and gas industry

Dr Paul Basan

Dr Paul Basan-Esanda-EngineeringPaul Basan was born in the United States but immigrated to the United Kingdom in 1988.  He is now a dual-citizen of Britain and the USA.

Paul received a Bachelor’s degree in geology from Indiana University in 1965, and then served 2 years in the US Army.  After military service, Paul completed his Masters degree in carbonate sedimentology at the State University of New York, Binghamton, in 1970.  Subsequently, in 1974, he received a doctorate in palaeoecology and ichnology from the University of Georgia. 

He began his 44 year career in the oil business as an exploration geologist for Texaco, Inc. in Denver.  Subsequent experience included senior research geologist for Amoco in Tulsa, Oklahoma and senior explorationist, in Houston, Texas, for Union Texas Petroleum, in their strategic exploration ventures group.  Later, Paul became Unit Head of Reservoir Geology at Robertson Research, Houston and then joined NL Erco as Vice President, reservoir geology. 

Paul founded Applied Reservoir Technology, in Great Britain, where he pioneered techniques for digital rock physics and the interpretation of NMR core and log data.  Along with colleagues, he pioneered the commercial use of NMR core analysis for log calibration and organised a consortium for the development of the first commercial NMR-log interpretation software.  The software is now the industry-leader for NMR log interpretation and presently being adapted for third-party use in other major log interpretation packages.   Additionally, his interest in NMR technology, which dates back to 1992, resulted in global catalogues for NMR response, interpretation parameters and protocols for NMR core analysis. 

Paul left ART in 1999 to become Business Development Manager, and later petrophysics manager, for Energy Scitech Ltd.  He joined RPS Energy in 2005 as Manager of Petrophysics where he remained until 2010.  Presently, he Director at Reservoir Rock Typing ((K) Ltd where is works on NMR log acquisitions parameters, LQC and data interpretation.  He also manages and works on reservoir characterisation projects that include rock typing.

Starting in 1994, Paul has taught NMR courses for numerous oil and gas companies from around the world.  Until recently, he was the developer, owner and training for the NMR training course. 

Website: Studio Beam Ltd