Dr Alejandro Morelos
Dr. Morelos is the Director of Hydrocarbon Systems Ltd., a consulting practice based in London, UK. Dr. Morelos received a Bachelor degree from the Instituto Politecnico Nacional (IPN) and a Doctorate in geosciences from the University of Texas at Dallas (UTD) in 1980 and 1996, respectively.
Dr. Morelos started his career as a geologist working for Geophysical Services Inc. (GSI) in the surface geochemical department in Mexico in 1980. He then travelled with the same company and developed projects in USA, Colombia and Colombia. Dr. Morelos received his PhD degree in 1996 and since then has work extensively in regional, plays and prospect studies in most of the basins in Latino America, Europe, Africa, Asia - and particularly in the Gulf of Mexico while working as a research associate with Geochemical and Environmental Research Group (GERG) as well as for Mobil Co, Union of California (UNOCAL), Humble Geochemical Services and ExxonMobil.
Furthermore, Dr. Morelos has been a consultant in numerous projects for PDVSA, PEMEX and numerous oil companies. In addition to conventional resources, Dr. Morelos has contributed to unconventional resource assessments while working since 2008 with Upstream Research Center (EM) in Houston, Texas and ExxonMobil International in Leatherhead UK.
In 2014 Dr. Morelos separated from ExxonMobill International and established the consulting company Hydrocarbon Systems, Ltd. He is member of the AAPG, PESGB and The Geological Society.